cleanup config

This commit is contained in:
Simon Vieille 2021-03-09 15:16:40 +01:00
parent 42789e0736
commit b0e0dc33b6

View file

@ -183,21 +183,21 @@ bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec amixer set Master 2%+
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer set Master 2%- bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec amixer set Master 2%-
bindsym $altleft+g exec amixer set Master 2%+ bindsym $altleft+g exec amixer set Master 2%+
bindsym $altleft+b exec amixer set Master 2%- bindsym $altleft+b exec amixer set Master 2%-
bindsym $window+p exec ~/bin/i3_switch_workspace.php previous bindsym $window+p exec ~/.i3/bin/i3_switch_workspace.php previous
bindsym $window+n exec ~/bin/i3_switch_workspace.php next bindsym $window+n exec ~/.i3/bin/i3_switch_workspace.php next
bindsym $altleft+F1 exec ~/bin/i3_switch_focus_container.php 1 bindsym $altleft+F1 exec ~/.i3/bin/i3_switch_focus_container.php 1
bindsym $altleft+F2 exec ~/bin/i3_switch_focus_container.php 2 bindsym $altleft+F2 exec ~/.i3/bin/i3_switch_focus_container.php 2
bindsym $altleft+F3 exec ~/bin/i3_switch_focus_container.php 3 bindsym $altleft+F3 exec ~/.i3/bin/i3_switch_focus_container.php 3
bindsym $altleft+F4 exec ~/bin/i3_switch_focus_container.php 4 bindsym $altleft+F4 exec ~/.i3/bin/i3_switch_focus_container.php 4
bindsym $altleft+F5 exec ~/bin/i3_switch_focus_container.php 5 bindsym $altleft+F5 exec ~/.i3/bin/i3_switch_focus_container.php 5
bindsym $altleft+F6 exec ~/bin/i3_switch_focus_container.php 6 bindsym $altleft+F6 exec ~/.i3/bin/i3_switch_focus_container.php 6
bindsym $window+x move workspace to output left bindsym $window+x move workspace to output left
bindsym $window+c exec ~/bin/ bindsym $window+c exec ~/.i3/bin/
bindsym $altleft+$shift+h exec ~/bin/ left bindsym $altleft+$shift+h exec ~/.i3/bin/ left
bindsym $altleft+$shift+k exec ~/bin/ right bindsym $altleft+$shift+k exec ~/.i3/bin/ right
bindsym $altleft+$shift+u exec ~/bin/ up bindsym $altleft+$shift+u exec ~/.i3/bin/ up
bindsym $altleft+$shift+j exec ~/bin/ down bindsym $altleft+$shift+j exec ~/.i3/bin/ down
bindsym $window+$shift+y exec ~/bin/ bindsym $window+$shift+y exec ~/.i3/bin/
bindsym $altleft+$tab exec ~/.i3/i3_switch_window.php bindsym $altleft+$tab exec ~/.i3/i3_switch_window.php
bindsym $ctrl+$shift+f exec ~/bin/search bindsym $ctrl+$shift+f exec ~/bin/search
bindsym $ctrl+$altleft+$shift+e exec sudo shutdown -h now bindsym $ctrl+$altleft+$shift+e exec sudo shutdown -h now
@ -313,41 +313,41 @@ bar {
# } # }
#} #}
exec ~/bin/pulseaudio-start
exec ~/bin/reload_wallpaper
exec ~/bin/remote_i3_server
exec ~/bin/picom-desk
exec rofi -key-run 'SuperL+Alt+d' -Key-ssh 'SuperL+Alt+s' -key-window 'SuperL+Alt+w'
exec feh --bg-fill ~/wallpaper.jpg
exec setxkbmap fr oss
exec mpd
exec nextcloud
exec gpg-agent --daemon
exec wicd-gtk -t
exec blueman-applet
exec systemctl --user start xfce4-notifyd
exec sleep 3 && monitordisplay -s -m laptop
exec sleep 3 && monitordisplay -s -m hdmi
exec redshift-gtk -t 5500:3500 -m randr -l 47.51659:6.7809
exec xfce4-power-manager
exec kdeconnect-indicator
exec flatpak run me.kozec.syncthingtk --minimized
exec xbacklight + 100
exec xdg-mime default pcmanfm.desktop inode/directory
exec sudo /usr/local/bin/powertop-tuning
# exec sudo service alsa-utils stop && pulseaudio --start # exec sudo service alsa-utils stop && pulseaudio --start
# exec alsactl init -c 1 # exec alsactl init -c 1
# exec start-pulseaudio-x11 # exec start-pulseaudio-x11
# exec alsactl init # exec alsactl init
# exec pulseaudio -D && start-pulseaudio-x11 # exec pulseaudio -D && start-pulseaudio-x11
# exec start-pulseaudio-x11 # exec start-pulseaudio-x11
exec ~/bin/pulseaudio-start
# exec tint2 # exec tint2
exec rofi -key-run 'SuperL+Alt+d' -Key-ssh 'SuperL+Alt+s' -key-window 'SuperL+Alt+w'
exec feh --bg-fill ~/wallpaper.jpg
exec setxkbmap fr oss
# exec xfce4-clipman # exec xfce4-clipman
exec mpd
exec nextcloud
exec gpg-agent --daemon
exec wicd-gtk -t
exec blueman-applet
# exec volumeicon # exec volumeicon
# exec pasystray # exec pasystray
# exec ~/bin/ # exec ~/bin/
exec systemctl --user start xfce4-notifyd
exec sleep 3 && monitordisplay -s -m laptop
exec sleep 3 && monitordisplay -s -m hdmi
exec ~/bin/reload_wallpaper
exec redshift-gtk -t 5500:3500 -m randr -l 47.51659:6.7809
exec xfce4-power-manager
# exec blueman-applet # exec blueman-applet
exec /home/simon/bin/remote_i3_server # exec flatpak run com.github.bajoja.indicator-kdeconnect/x86_64/stable
#exec flatpak run com.github.bajoja.indicator-kdeconnect/x86_64/stable # exec compton
exec kdeconnect-indicator # exec ~/make/picom/build/src/picom -c -b
exec flatpak run me.kozec.syncthingtk --minimized
exec xbacklight + 100
exec xdg-mime default pcmanfm.desktop inode/directory
#exec compton
exec ~/bin/picom-desk
exec sudo /usr/local/bin/powertop-tuning
#exec ~/make/picom/build/src/picom -c -b