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2015-07-02 10:45:40 +02:00
*vimspell.txt* On the fly spell checker with ispell/aspell. v1.100
Spelling text with the plugin "Vimspell"
CONTENT *vimspell-contents*
Installation : |vimspell-install|
Vimspell intro : |vimspell|
Requirements : |vimspell-requirements|
Vimspell commands : |vimspell-commands|
Customization : |vimspell-customize|
Bugs : |vimspell-bugs|
Faq : |vimspell-tips|
Todo list : |vimspell-todo|
1. vimspell Installation *vimspell-install*
In order to install the plugin, place the vimspell.vim file into a plugin
directory in your runtime path (please see |add-global-plugin| and
By default, on-the-fly spell checking is enable for certain filetypes
only. To disable it put the following line in your .vimrc : >
let spell_auto_type = ""
In order to activate it for a filetype, you should redefine the
|spell_auto_type| variable (see below).
|vimspell| may be customized by setting variables, creating maps, and
specifying event handlers. Please see |vimspell-customize| for more
Set 'mousemodel' to "popup_setpos" in order to enable popup menus (see
This help file is automagically generated when the |vimspell| script is
loaded for the first time.
1.1. vimspell requirements *vimspell-requirements*
Vimspell needs the following external tools :
- 'ispell' or 'aspell' spell checkers
It has been tested with vim 6.1, but should also work with vim 6.0.
2. vimspell intro *vimspell*
*spell* *vimspell-intro*
vimspell script provides functions and mappings to check spelling ; either
on demand on the whole buffer, or for the current visible window whenever
the cursor is idle for a certain time.
The default mappings are defined as follow (By default, <Leader> stands
for '\'. See |Leader| for more info) :
<Leader>ss - write file, spellcheck file & highlight spelling mistakes.
<Leader>sA - start autospell mode.
<Leader>sl - switch between languages.
<Leader>s? - check for alternatives.
<RightMouse> - open a popup menu with alternatives (see |vimspell-popup|).
<Leader>sn - go to next error.
<Leader>sp - go to previous error.
<Leader>si - insert word under cursor into user dictionary.
<Leader>su - insert word under cursor as lowercase into user dictionary.
<Leader>sa - accept word for this session only.
<Leader>sq - return to normal syntax coloring and disable auto spell
Note that those last mappings are only defined once the spelling was
See |vimspell-mappings-override| and |vimspell-options| to learn how to
override those default mappings.
3. vimspell commands *vimspell-commands*
See |vimspell-intro| for default mapping. Vimspell defines the following
:SpellCheck *:SpellCheck*
Spell check the text after _writing_ the buffer. Define highlighting and
mapping for correction and navigation.
:SpellAutoEnable *:SpellAutoEnable*
Enable on-the-fly spell checking.
:SpellAutoDisable *:SpellAutoDisable*
Disable on-the-fly spell checking.
:SpellChangeLanguage *:SpellChangeLanguage*
Select the next language available.
:SpellSetLanguage *:SpellSetLanguage*
Set the language to the one given as a parameter.
:SpellSetSpellchecker *:SpellSetSpellchecker*
Set the spell checker to the string given as a parameter (currently,
aspell or ispell are supported).
:SpellProposeAlternatives *:SpellProposeAlternatives*
Propose alternative for keyword under cursor. If more than 10
alternatives exists, you can choose between the first 9 alternatives by
typing 1 to 9 follow by the 'return' key, or by typing 01 to 09.
:SpellExit *:SpellExit*
Remove syntax highlighting and mapping defined for spell checking.
:SpellReload *:SpellReload*
Reload vimspell script.
4. Vimspell customization *vimspell-customize*
4.1. General configuration ~
*loaded_vimspell* *vimspell-disable*
You can disable this script by putting the following line in your |vimrc| >
let loaded_vimspell = 1
You can define your own color scheme for error highlighting, by setting
|highlight| on SpellErrors group. For example: >
highlight SpellErrors guibg=Red guifg=Black
If no words appear to be highlighted after a spell check, try to put the
following lines in your |vimrc|: >
highlight SpellErrors ctermfg=Red guifg=Red
\ cterm=underline gui=underline term=reverse
You can right click on a word to get a popup menu which contains a "Spell"
sub-menu with all alternatives for the word under the cursor.
In order to get the popup menu, you must be sure that 'mousemodel' is set
to "popup" or to "popup_setpos" (see |'mousemodel'|).
4.2. Mapping documentation: ~
By default, a global mapping is defined for some commands. User-provided
mappings can be used instead by mapping to <Plug>CommandName. This is
especially useful when these mappings collide with other existing mappings
(vim will warn of this during plugin initialization, but will not clobber
the existing mappings).
For instance, to override the default mapping for :SpellCheck to set it to
\sc, add the following to the |vimrc|:
nmap \sc <Plug>SpellCheck
The default global mappings are as follow:
<Leader>ss SpellCheck
<Leader>sA SpellAutoEnable
<Leader>s? SpellProposeAlternatives
<Leader>sl SpellChangeLanguage
Other mapping are defined according to the context of utilisation, and can
be redefined by mean of buffer-wise variables. See |vimspell-options| here
4.3. Options documentation: ~
Several variables are checked by the script to customize vimspell
behavior. Note that variables are looked for in the following order :
window dependent variables first, buffer dependent variables next and
global ones last (See |internal-variables|, |buffer-variable|,
|window-variable| and |global-variable|).
spell_case_accept_map *spell_case_accept_map*
This variable, if set, determines the mapping used to accept the word
under the cursor, taking case into account. Defaults to: >
let spell_case_accept_map = "<Leader>si"
When using 'ispell' the accepted words are put in the
./.ispell_<language> file if it exists or in the
$HOME/.ispell_<language> file.
spell_accept_map *spell_accept_map*
This variable, if set, determines the mapping used to accept a lowercase
version of the word under the cursor. Defaults to: >
let spell_accept_map = "<Leader>su"
spell_ignore_map *spell_ignore_map*
This variable, if set, determines the mapping used to ignore the
spelling error for the current session. Defaults to: >
let spell_ignore_map = "<Leader>sa"
spell_next_error_map *spell_next_error_map*
This variable, if set, determines the mapping used to jump to the next
spelling error. Defaults to: >
let spell_next_error_map = "<Leader>sn"
spell_previous_error_map *spell_previous_error_map*
This variable, if set, determines the mapping used to jump to the
previous spelling error. Defaults to: >
let spell_previous_error_map = "<Leader>sp"
spell_exit_map *spell_exit_map*
This variable, if set, determines the mapping used to exit from
spelling-checker mode. Defaults to: >
let spell_exit_map = "<Leader>sq"
spell_executable *spell_executable*
This variable, if set, defines the name of the spell-checker. Defaults
to: >
let spell_executable = "ispell"
spell_filter *spell_filter*
This variable, if set, defines the name of a script designed to filter
out certain words from the standard input to the standard output.
Defaults to: >
let spell_filter = ""
< For example : >
let spell_filter="grep -v '^#' "
< would prevent line beginning by # to be spell checked.
spell_update_time *spell_update_time*
This variable, if set, defines the duration (in ms) between the last
cursor movement and the on-the-fly spell check. Defaults to: >
let spell_update_time = 2000
spell_language_list *vimspell_default_language* *spell_language_list*
This variable, if set, defines the languages available for spelling. The
language names are the ones passed as an option to the spell checker.
Defaults to the languages for which a dictionary is present, or if none
can be found in the standard location, to: >
let spell_language_list = "english,francais"
< Note: The first language of this list is the one selected by default.
An empty list force vimspell to select dictionaries installed for the
selected spell checker.
spell_options *spell_options*
This variable, if set, defines additional options passed to the spell
checker executable. Defaults for ispell to: >
let spell_options = "-S"
< and for aspell to: >
let spell_options = ""
spell_auto_type *spell_auto_type*
This variable, if set, defines a list of filetype for which spell check
is done on the fly by default. Set it to "all" if you want on-the-fly
spell check for every filetype. You can use the token "none" if you
want on-the-fly spell check for files which do not have a filetype.
Defaults to: >
let spell_auto_type = "tex,mail,text,html,sgml,otl,cvs,none"
< Note: the "text" and "otl" filetypes are not defined by vim. Look at
|new-filetype| to see how you could yourself define a new filetype.
spell_guess_language_ft *spell_guess_language_ft*
This variable, if set, defines a list of filetype for which vimspell try
to automatically find which language is in use. Set it to "all" if you
want to use the guess heuristic for every filetype. You can use the
token "none" if you want to use it for files which do not have a
Defaults to: >
let spell_guess_language_ft = "tex,mail,text,html"
< Note: the "text" filetype is not defined by vim. Look at |new-filetype|
to see how you could yourself define a new filetype.
spell_guess_max_languages *spell_guess_max_languages*
This variable if set, set up how many languages are checked against the
current buffer when vimspell try to determines the language in use. At
most 'spell_ispell_sgml_args' are checked, and the one which best
matches the current buffer is selected.
Defaults to: >
let spell_guess_max_languages = 3
spell_guess_max_lines *spell_guess_max_lines*
This variable, if set to a positive number, defines the number of lines
considered when guessing the language of the buffer. Otherwise, the
entire buffer is considered. Note that this feature makes use of the
'head' unix command.
Defaults to: >
let spell_guess_max_lines = 0
spell_insert_mode *spell_insert_mode*
This variable if set, set up a hack to allow spell checking in insert
mode. This is normally not possible by mean of autocommands, but is
done with a map to the <Space> key. Each time that <Space> is hit,
the current line is spell checked. This feature can slow down vim
enough but is otherwise very nice.
Note that the mapping is defined only when spell check is done on the
fly (see |spell_auto_type|). The 'backspace' may be modified when this
option is set.
Defaults to: >
let spell_insert_mode = 1
spell_no_readonly *spell_no_readonly*
This variable, if set, defines if read-only files are spell checked or
not. Defaults to: >
let spell_no_readonly = 1 "no spell check for read only files.
spell_auto_jump *spell_auto_jump*
This variable, if set, make the cursor automatically jump to the next
error after:
- inserting a word in the user dictionary,
- accepting a word for the editing session,
- accepting a suggestion from the alternative list.
Defaults to: >
let spell_auto_jump = 1
spell_markup_ft *spell_markup_ft*
This variable, if set, defines a list of filetype for which vimspell
highlights all errors, and not only those included in the @Spell cluster
(see |syn-cluster|).
Defaults to: >
let spell_markup_ft = ",html,php,xhtml,dtml,tex,mail,help,text,,"
< Note the beginning and ending commas.
*spell_spellchecker_args* *spell_filetype_args*
Those variables, if set, define the options passed to the "spellchecker"
executable for the files of type "filetype". By default, they are set
to options known by ispell and aspell for tex, html, sgml, email
filetype. See also |vimspell-ispell-dont-work| below.
For example: >
let spell_aspell_tex_args = "-t"
spell_{language}_iskeyword *spell_iskeyword*
Those variables if set define the characters which are part of a word
in the selected language. See |iskeyword| for more informations.
Note that the hereafter described variables (the filetype and language
dependent ones) overrides, if exists, the spell_{language}_iskeyword
The following ones are defined: >
let s:spell_francais_iskeyword = "@,48-57,_,192-255,39,½,æ,¼,Æ,-"
let s:spell_russian_iskeyword = "@,48-57,_,192-255,^a-z,^A-Z"
let s:spell_english_iskeyword = "@,48-57,_,192-255,^192-255"
< which says for example that the quote, the hyphen and some other digraphs
must be considered as being part of french words.
Those variable have exactly the same impact as the previous one, except
that they are filetype dependant.
The following is defined: >
let s:spell_german_tex_iskeyword = "@,48-57,192-255,=,\,34"
< which says that the double quote (char 34) must be considered as being
part of words in german tex files.
spell_root_menu *spell_root_menu*
This variable, if set, give the name of the menu in which the vimspell
menu will be put. If set to '-', no menu are displayed. Defaults to: >
let spell_root_menu = "Plugin."
< Note the termination dot.
spell_root_menu_priority must be set accordingly. Set them both to "" if
you want vimspell menu in the main menu bar.
spell_root_menu_priority *spell_root_menu_priority*
This variable, if set, give the priority of the menu containing the
vimspell menu. Defaults to: >
let spell_root_menu_priority = "500."
< which is quite on the right of the menu bar.
Note the termination dot.
spell_menu_priority *spell_menu_priority*
This variable, if set, give the priority of the vimspell menu. Defaults
to: >
let spell_menu_priority = "10."
< Note the termination dot.
spell_shell *spell_shell*
This variable, if set, gives the name of the shell use for the system
calls. Defaults to: >
let spell_shell = "/bin/sh"
< Note that other shells may not work as expected. For example, tcsh
quoting differs from bash.
5. Vimspell FAQ *vimspell-faq*
When I try to spell check an HTML file using ispell, I got an error like
"Not an editor command: -pfile | -wchars | ..."
By default, vimspell pass the "-H" option to tell ispell that the file
in which he is looking for errors is an HTML file. This option changed
accross ispell versions. You should adjust the
'spell_ispell_html_args' and 'spell_ispell_sgml_args' variables
appropriately. For example, with ispell 3.1.20, you should set the
following lines in your .vimrc : >
let spell_ispell_html_args = "-h"
let spell_ispell_sgml_args = "-h"
Use of vimspell for latex file in german.
Vimspell should work fine with german and latex but one problem stays:
the german quotation marks which can be written "` and "' in latex.
When replacing a word between german quotation marks, the last double
quote will be replaced, destroying the quotation marks.
The solution is to use \glqq and \grqq for german left and right
quotation marks.
How to minimize overhead on a small configuration.
Do not use menu nor auto spell. Put the following line in your .vimrc: >
let spell_root_menu = '-'
let spell_auto_type = ''
let spell_insert_mode = 0
If you use the automatic guess language feature, you can also limit the
number of lines used for guessing (this feature need the external
"head" command to work) : >
let spell_guess_max_lines = 30
Or you can disable this feature by putting the following line in your
.vimrc: >
let spell_guess_language_ft = ""
The number of errors returned by vimspell doesn't match the number of
keywords underlined !
Yes. It is a known problem. When calling the SpellCheck function,
[ai]spell is fed with the whole text, even if some parts are not
concerned by error highlighting (for exemple, in shell scripts, only
errors in strings and comments are highlighted).
Aspell doesn't understand the "oe" ligature, in iso-8859-15 encoding.
Aspell does understant the ligature, but you must use the good
dictionary. You can get one at : >
6. Vimspell bugs *vimspell-bugs*
I'm not able to reproduce most of those bug with last version of vim and
vimspell. If someone has more information about them, I will welcome them.
- BUG digraphs are not passed to aspell/ispell. Since iskeyword is set
globally, they are not underlined in red...
- When not all errors are highlighted, SpellCheck() display an erroneous
error count.
- problem when opening file with a swap files. Messages are not visible.
to be reproduced...
- ispell doesn't seem to work with word containing iso-8559 encoded
characters in TeX files...
- BUG reported by Fabio Stumbo <>:
Textual navigation in Plugin submenus doesn't work when pressing <F4>
with the following .vimrc settings: >
source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim
set wildmenu
set cpo-=<
set wcm=<C-Z>
map <F4> :emenu <C-Z>
< - BUG reported by Rajarshi Guha. Vim 6.1 hang up with vimspell 1.46 when
editing HTML (with EasyHtml 0.5.1 script) and sometimes when editing
latex *with aspell*. Vim need kill -9. -- I'm not able to reproduced it
with vimspell 1.65 (see also Fabio Stumbo bug below)...
- BUG with aspell (aspell- on HTML files where aspell seems
to loop infinitely (Fabio Stumbo <>).
- autocommands are not called in insert mode : this is apparently a
feature of VIM. There will perhaps be a hook which will allow this in
vim 6.2, but Bram seems quite reluctant in implementing it (because
autocomands are dangerous and difficult to test thoroughly).
7. Vimspell .TODO list *vimspell-todo*
- Take into account the FileType event to setup buffer correctly.
- Add a way to customize the spell checking (so as to not use the syntax
highlighting as a way to determine was as to be checked). For example,
with the current syntax files, html and xml are badly checked.
- Add a command to spellcheck a visually selected region
- Add options to prevent some words to be checked (like TODO). If not,
their highlighting is overwritten by spellcheck's one (depends of TODO
highlighting definition... To be investigated).
- selection of syntax group for which spelling is done (for example, only
string and comments are of interest in a C source code..) - Partly done.
- update documentation to explain the logic behind the existence of to way
to redefine mappings, deppending on the mapping.
- ...
- reduce this TODO list (I didn't think it would have grown so quickly).