
326 lines
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2015-07-02 10:45:40 +02:00
" matrix.vim - Don Yang (
" Matrix screensaver for VIM.
" After loading the script, use :Matrix to start.
" Press any key a few times to exit.
" You will need to edit s:mindelay and s:maxdelay below to match your
" machine speed and window size.
"Known Issues:
" Sometimes you need to press keys a few times to exit instead of just
" once. Press and hold is another way to go... feels like getchar is
" checking for keypress state instead of keystroke availability.
" If the window is too small, script will not run. If the window is
" resized and become too small (less than 8 rows or 10 columns) after
" the script started, script will abort and *buffers may be lost*, so
" don't do that. Resizing the window to most other sizes will be fine.
" Doesn't work if multiple windows exist before script started. In
" that case the script will abort with error message.
" If the current buffer is modified, some error messages will appear
" before the script starts, and an extra window is left behind after
" the script exits. Workaround: save your buffers first.
"Other Info:
" Inspired by cmatrix...
" Didn't feel inspired enough to start using pico/nano, of course ^_^;
" 05/13/08 - disable cursorline, cursorcolumn and spell
" (thanks to Diederick Niehorster for the suggestion).
" 12/21/06 - multiwindow support by S. Lockwood-Childs.
" 10/03/05 - added silent! to cursor positioning code to stop drawing
" numbers during animation (thanks to David Eggum for the
" suggestion).
" 10/02/05 - disable showmatch
" 03/16/05 - make new buffer modifiable before running
" 01/27/05 - added sleep to consume less CPU
" removed frame counter
" 01/26/05 - initial version
" Speed range, must be positive. Lower delay = faster.
let s:mindelay = 1
let s:maxdelay = 5
" Session file for preserving original window layout
let s:session_file = tempname()
function! s:Rand()
let b:seed = b:seed * 22695477 + 1
if b:seed < 0
return -b:seed
return b:seed
function! s:CreateObject(i)
while 1
let b:x{a:i} = s:Rand() % b:columns
if b:reserve{b:x{a:i}} > 4
let b:y{a:i} = 1
let b:t{a:i} = s:Rand() % b:s{b:x{a:i}}
let b:head{a:i} = s:Rand() % 4
let b:len{a:i} = s:Rand() % b:h + 3
let b:reserve{b:x{a:i}} = 1 - b:len{a:i}
function! s:DrawObject(i)
let x = b:x{a:i} * 2 + 1
let y = b:y{a:i}
" Draw head
if y <= b:h
if b:head{a:i}
silent! exec 'norm! :' . y . nr2char(13) . x . '|R' . b:d[s:Rand()%b:dl] . '_' . nr2char(27)
if y > 1
silent! exec 'norm! kR' . ((s:Rand() % 2) ? '`' : ' ') . nr2char(27)
let a = ((s:Rand() % 2) ? '`' : ' ') . nr2char(27)
silent! exec 'norm! :'. y . nr2char(13) . x . '|R' . b:d[s:Rand() % b:dl] . a
if b:head{a:i} && y == b:h + 1
silent! exec 'norm! :' . b:h . nr2char(13) . (x + 1) . '|R' . ((s:Rand() % 2) ? '`' : ' ') . nr2char(27)
" Draw tail
let y = y - b:len{a:i}
if 1 <= y && y <= b:h
silent! exec 'norm! :'. y . nr2char(13) . x . '|R ' . nr2char(27)
let b:reserve{b:x{a:i}} = y
function! s:Animate()
let i = 0
while i < b:objcount
" Animate object
if b:t{i} <= 0
if b:y{i} - b:len{i} <= b:h
" Draw
call s:DrawObject(i)
let b:t{i} = b:s{b:x{i}}
let b:y{i} = b:y{i} + 1
" Regenerate
call s:CreateObject(i)
let b:t{i} = b:t{i} - 1
let i = i + 1
if getchar(1)
let b:run = 0
sleep 20m
function! s:Reset()
" Clear screen
let b:w = winwidth(0)
let b:h = winheight(0)
exec 'norm! gg"_dG' . b:h . 'O' . nr2char(27) . 'gg'
if b:w < 10 || b:h < 8
let b:run = 0
" Set number of columns. This is rounded down due to line wrapping
" at the last column if the screen width is even. So you end up
" seeing the cursor blinking a lot at the right side of the screen.
" Alternatively, ':set rl' before running the script to have it
" blink on the left side.
let b:columns = (b:w - 1) / 2
" Initialize columns.
let i = 0
while i < b:columns
" Set delay time. Each column gets the same delay time.
let b:s{i} = s:Rand() % (s:maxdelay - s:mindelay) + s:mindelay
" Unreserve column
let b:reserve{i} = b:h
let i = i + 1
" Initialize objects
let b:objcount = b:columns - 2
let i = 0
while i < b:objcount
call s:CreateObject(i)
let i = i + 1
function! s:Init()
" Create new buffer and hide the existing buffers. Hiding the
" existing buffers without switching to a new buffer preserves
" undo history.
exec 'mksession! ' . s:session_file
let s:num_orig_win = winnr("$")
" move to top window, so created window will become window 1,
" then attempt to create new window
1 wincmd w
silent! new
" check that there really is an additional window
if winnr("$") != s:num_orig_win + 1
return 1
let s:newbuf = bufnr('%')
" close all but window 1, which is the new window
setl bh=delete bt=nofile ma nolist nonu noro noswf tw=0 nowrap
" Set GUI options
if has('gui')
let s:o_gcr = &gcr
let s:o_go = &go
set gcr=a:ver1-blinkon0 go=
if has('cmdline_info')
let s:o_ru = &ru
let s:o_sc = &sc
set noru nosc
if has('title')
let s:o_ts = &titlestring
exec 'set titlestring=\ '
if v:version >= 700
let s:o_spell = &spell
let s:o_cul = &cul
let s:o_cuc = &cuc
set nospell nocul nocuc
let s:o_ch = &ch
let s:o_ls = &ls
let s:o_lz = &lz
let s:o_siso = &siso
let s:o_sm = &sm
let s:o_smd = &smd
let s:o_so = &so
let s:o_ve = &ve
set ch=1 ls=0 lz nosm nosmd siso=0 so=0 ve=all
" Initialize PRNG
let b:seed = localtime()
let b:run = 1
" Clear screen and initialize objects
call s:Reset()
" Set colors. Output looks better if your color scheme has black
" background. I would rather not have the script change the
" current color scheme since there is no good way to restore them
" afterwards.
hi MatrixHidden ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Black guifg=#000000 guibg=#000000
hi MatrixNormal ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=Black guifg=#008000 guibg=#000000
hi MatrixBold ctermfg=LightGreen ctermbg=Black guifg=#00ff00 guibg=#000000
hi MatrixHead ctermfg=White ctermbg=Black guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000000
sy match MatrixNormal /^.*/ contains=MatrixHidden
sy match MatrixHidden contained /.`/ contains=MatrixBold
sy match MatrixHidden contained /._/ contains=MatrixHead
sy match MatrixBold contained /.\(`\)\@=/
sy match MatrixHead contained /.\(_\)\@=/
" Create random char dictionary
let b:d = ''
let i = 33
while i < 127
if i != 95 && i != 96
let b:d = b:d . nr2char(i)
let i = i + 1
let b:dl = strlen(b:d)
return 0
function! s:Cleanup()
" Restore options
if has('gui')
let &gcr = s:o_gcr
let &go = s:o_go
unlet s:o_gcr s:o_go
if has('cmdline_info')
let &ru = s:o_ru
let &sc = s:o_sc
unlet s:o_ru s:o_sc
if has('title')
let &titlestring = s:o_ts
unlet s:o_ts
if v:version >= 700
let &spell = s:o_spell
let &cul = s:o_cul
let &cuc = s:o_cuc
unlet s:o_cul s:o_cuc
let &ch = s:o_ch
let &ls = s:o_ls
let &lz = s:o_lz
let &siso = s:o_siso
let &sm = s:o_sm
let &smd = s:o_smd
let &so = s:o_so
let &ve = s:o_ve
unlet s:o_ch s:o_ls s:o_lz s:o_siso s:o_sm s:o_smd s:o_so s:o_ve
" Restore old buffers
exec 'source ' . s:session_file
exec 'bwipe ' . s:newbuf
unlet s:newbuf
" Clear keystroke
let c = getchar(0)
function! Matrix()
if s:Init()
echohl ErrorMsg
echon 'Can not create window'
echohl None
while b:run
if b:w != winwidth(0) || b:h != winheight(0)
call s:Reset()
call s:Animate()
call s:Cleanup()
if !has('virtualedit') || !has('windows') || !has('syntax')
echohl ErrorMsg
echon 'Not enough features, need at least +virtualedit, +windows and +syntax'
echohl None
command! Matrix call Matrix()