This commit is contained in:
Simon Vieille 2016-10-28 00:24:08 +02:00
parent 824a02151e
commit eac010de7f
1 changed files with 25 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
My vim configuration (~/.vimrc, ~/.vim)
My vim configuration
Made for php developments.
## Installation
$ sudo apt install vim vim vim-addon-manager vim-athena vim-common vim-fugitive vim-gtk vim-gui-common vim-nox vim-runtime vim-scripts vim-tiny
$ cd $HOME
$ [ -f .vimrc ] && mv .vimrc .vimrc-back
$ [ -d .vim ] && mv .vim .vim-back
$ git clone deblan-vim
$ ln -rs deblan-vim/vimrc .vimrc
$ ln -rs deblan-vim/vim .vim
$ git clone .vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
$ vim +PluginInstall +qall
You will need to edit `.vimrc`:
* `let g:snips_author = "Your username"`
* `let g:snips_email = "Your email"`
* `let g:snips_github = "Your website"`
* `set guifont=Fantasque\ Sans\ Mono\ 14`