2012-08-24 11:42:23 -05:00

51 lines
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###Lobsters Rails Project
This is the source code to the site operating at []( It is a Rails 3 codebase and uses a SQL (MySQL in production) backend for the database and Sphinx for the search engine.
####Initial setup
- Install Ruby 1.9.3.
- Checkout the lobsters git tree from Github
$ `git clone git://`
$ `cd lobsters`
- Run Bundler to install/bundle gems needed by the project:
lobsters$ `bundle`
- Create a MySQL (other DBs supported by ActiveRecord may work, only MySQL has been tested) database, username, and password and put them in a `config/database.yml` file:
adapter: mysql2
encoding: utf8
reconnect: false
database: lobsters_dev
socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
username: *username*
password: *password*
adapter: sqlite3
database: db/test.sqlite3
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
- Load the schema into the new database:
lobsters$ `rake db:schema:load`
- Create a `config/initializers/secret_token.rb` file:
Lobsters::Application.config.secret_token = '*some 128-bit hexadecimal secret*'
- (Optional, only needed for search engine) Install Sphinx. Build Sphinx config and start server:
lobsters$ `rake thinking_sphinx:rebuild`
- Run the Rails server in development mode:
lobsters$ `rails server`