Commit graph

20 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Brad Jones a7ff2db60e Update composer.json for Composer 2 compatibility 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 13df7ff2ad Updating README 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 8c300b3e25 Fixing couple issues on the Room 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton b2a9e592a2 Room unit tests 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 6f95fecff6 Porting room 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 827b7a4207 Porting HttpApi tests 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 27f5c4d416 Porting the client 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton fbf133db9d Porting MatrixHttpApi 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton f0d4eedf71 Porting all TestMainApi tests 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 1ca74dd187 Formatting 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 4cbc6176e4 Removing boilerplate code 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton e78581826a Preparing for tests 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 4d5af8ec83 Start of the API class 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton d950935923 Removing psr2 enforcing 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 2c7c754046 Adding User class 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 0f51a1cf93 Adding some more base classes 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 4d64c6bce5 Adding exceptions 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 4d6463d034 Adjusting settings 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton e8ad97d52a Prefilling info 2022-06-23 21:20:33 +10:00
Yoann Celton 623db82a57 Initial Commit
Fixed typos


Ninja 5.6 test




update skeleton project

Switched to composer require

Remove version from composer require

Composer detects the latest stable version (only 0.x should specify the version)


Fix duplicate require-dev entry

Update LICENSE to use Markdown

Update link

Add .gitattributes file

Fix documentation

Fix typo

Remove extra newline

Added php_analyzer: true to scritunizer

Rename scrutinizer.yml to .scrutinizer.yml

updated scrutinizer reference

consistent headlines in

This fits also more into the style from

Harmonize package variables

fix syntax in

Readme: use relative paths to and contributors

new year

update copyright year

remove duplicate field

the `:author_website` option was listed twice

Add a security section

Add Ocular as dev-dependency, fixes HHVM issues too apparently

Updated package name to be able to submit to Packagist


Typo in

Update SkeletonClass.php

Added php 7.0 and allow it to fail

Added php 7.0 and allow it to fail

Removed PHP 5.3

Removed --dev flag

According to Travis-Ci, "You are using the deprecated option "dev". Dev packages are installed by default now."

travis: PHP 7.0 nightly added

simplifies configuration

This removes a few settings that had no effect anymore.


Not everyone may be familiar with the term (or the details of) "squashing." A link to the git documentation would be helpful in this case.

Added editor configuration

Add use of Composer scripts like 'composer test'

Update `composer test` to simply use `phpunit`

Encourage developers to read the change log

docs(testing): Update testing to use composer test

Added end_of_line & some more info about this file

> It is acceptable and often preferred to leave certain EditorConfig properties unspecified. For example [...] if a property is not standardized in your project (end_of_line for example), it may be best to leave it blank.

I added ``end_of_line`` nonetheless, as I think there is an agreement to always use ``lf``.

[Travis] Test lowest version dependencies

Use Packagist Release badge instead of GH release

Because most repos don't do releases, they just tag their revisons. Which suffices for Composer/Packagist - but the current badge would simply state "Release: None"...

Alternatively the GH Tag badge could be used instead.

Do not call ocular in PHP 7.0 and HHVM

We cannot be dead certain that those support code coverage, so they would break the Scrutinizer build the following message "Scrutinizer was notified that the tests failed." even though all builds succeeded.

At the moment HHVM seems to work, excluding it nonetheless.
Also now it correlates with three runs configured in 13bd2abaeb/.scrutinizer.yml (L23)

use composer test

Moved all links to the bottom of

Forgot to update image alt text

Switch to local phpunit

This ensures consistency across platforms and testing by using the same version of PHPUnit, rather than whatever is globally installed by the system.

Revert `composer test` in composer.json

First, composer will push its bin to the top of the $PATH when running composer scripts, so this isn't strictly necessary. Secondly, using `/` will fail on Windows. This reverts one of the changes previously made in 54f6cbc606.

Add sudo false to Travis config

Add comment about sudo false Travis config


Many people are great developers, but awful awful human beings. This will remind their robot brains how to human with other humans in a way that doesn't make one of those humans sad or really angry.

Mention in the README

Added disclaimer to code of conduct application


use `:vendor` placeholder

to make the package more useful for general use, replace references to
`thephpleague` and `league` with `:vendor`.

Added PSR2 check

Bump minimum PHP version to 5.4

Disallow PHP 7 failures

PHP 7 is now stable and Travis is using these stable builds for testing

Use "Keep a CHANGELOG" principles


Add "type" to composer.json

travis: drop PHP 5.4

composer: bump to PHP 5.5, allow PHP 7 in safe way

Resolved issue#67

Removed blank lines

Update copyright year

Add .styleci.yml

Removed redundant Test namespace

Allow PHPUnit v5

Prefer dist + cache for Travis builds

To speed up builds

added composer script for psr2 formatting

Enhancement: Keep packages sorted

Update php version required

In order to require only supported php version,
update minimum php version required from 5.5 to 5.6.

travis: bump min version to PHP 5.6, add PHP 7.1

Min version is PHP 5.6, see composer: ad403d7a63/composer.json (L20)
Also PHP 7.1 is available on Travis



Use PHP-specific examples in Issue template

Updated CoC to CC 1.4

Added coc contact email address

Added script prefill.php to replace all :variables

Added script prefill.php to replace all :variables

Use PHP-specific examples

Add PHP Codesniffer as development dependency

Add Composer scripts "check-codestyle" & "fix-codestyle"

Adjust Contribution guide

Ignore errors and warnings in PHPCS


Thanks to @gsherwood

Fix indentation

Replace check-codestyle & fix-codestyle with check-style & fix-style respecively

set the author email as the contact in the CONDUCT file

add the xml.dist extesion to the prefil script

Use phar version of ocular

It's impossible to install the latest version of Guzzle due
ocular (used to upload code coverage) depending on guzzlehttp/guzzle ~3.0.


Closes #95

Inspired by

Add to gitattributes

Don't use separate file for uploading code coverage

Remove from git attributes

Remove useless items from PR checklist

These rules will be checked in the Travis build.

Add note about CI

Fix #87 | "docs" entry in .gitignore?

Remove docs directory out of .gitignore and locate it in .gitaatributes

Fix typo

Add missing word

Adding in recommended directory structure


Update year in

Fix tests directory name

Because almost all League projects uses `tests/`, including this skeleton.


Remove Composer self-updating from .travis.yml

It is done automatically by Travis.

Revert "Remove Composer self-updating from .travis.yml"

Revert "Revert "Remove Composer self-updating from .travis.yml""

Fix minor grammar error in code of conduct

Replace placeholders in tests as well

trailing comma not allowed

put array back the way it was

Update composer.json

Just to accept the latest PHPUnit version

Fix tests on PHP 5.6 & HHVM

Rename to

GitHub looks for [](

fix capitalization

test on 7.2

7.2 is released now, so let's test it.

Spelling mistake?

not my strong area but I think this should be `practices` not `practises`

change the year in

Remove TAP adapter

Added a phpcs.xml.dist file

Add phpcs to gitignore and gitattributes file

Use new PHP analysis engine

Update travis to test on PHP7.3

init 1
2022-06-23 21:20:13 +10:00