2015-02-23 01:21:17 +01:00

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# pdns-console
PDNS-Console provided a CLI to manage PowerDNS application and improved it by adding a powerfull DNS zone versionning.
# Installation
## Requirements
* PHP >= 5.4
* PDO with modules to connect on your database)
* Instance of PDNS (Powerdns) >= 3.1 with MySQL/PostgreSQL/SQLite backend
## Downloading sources
cd /usr/local/src/
git clone https://github.com/simmstein/pdns-console.git
cd pdns-console
### Dependances
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
./composer.phar install
### Database
#### Edit *propel.yaml*
* ```dsn: "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=pdns"```
* Change *localhost* by the database server name
* Change "pdns" by the database name
* Change user and password values with you pdsn database login
Run `./app/propel/console config:convert`
#### Models
The sources does not contain all application models. You have to generate them:
Run `./app/propel/console --recursive model:build`
#### Database updates
pdns-console needs to update pdns original tables and uses 3 mores.
./app/propel/console --recursive migration:diff
./app/propel/console --recursive migration:migrate
## Symlink
To access the console without using the full path of `app/console`, make a symlink:
```ln -s $PWD/app/console /usr/local/bin/```