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Before submitting your issue, please make sure that you've checked all of the checkboxes below.

  • You're running the latest release version of PHPCI.
  • Ensure that you're running at least PHP 5.3.6, you can check this by running php -v
  • You've run composer install --no-dev -o from the root of your installation.
  • You have set up either the PHPCI Worker, Daemon or Cron Job to run builds.

To help us better understand your issue, please answer the following.

Expected behaviour

Please describe what you're expecting to see happen.

Actual behaviour

Please describe what you're actually seeing happen.

Steps to reproduce

If your issue requires any specific steps to reproduce, please outline them here.

Environment info

Operating System: PHP Version: MySQL Version:

Logs or other output that would be helpful

(If logs are large, please upload as attachment).