2018-03-07 22:18:35 +07:00

748 lines
28 KiB

# Change Log
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to
[Semantic Versioning](
## [0.21.0]( (2018-02-21)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Gogs pull request webhook for manage environments branches. Thanks to [@ss-gxp](
Pull request [#142](
- Access to Pdepend plugin artifacts. Issue [#107](
- Code coverage report for PHPUnit plugin. Issue [#86](
- PHP Censor logo and version to console and web interfaces.
### Changed
- Small improvements in Thanks to [@lex111]( Pull request
- Renamed 'Webhook' to 'Webhook (Push)' in according to 'Webhook (Pull request)'.
- Improved small-box block icon appearance.
- Improved Pdepend plugin documentation. Issue [#143](
- Code style fixes.
- Updated dependencies.
### Removed
- Application Cache class and replaced by Symfony/Cache component.
- Useless Template class and refactored View.
- User model from `$_SESSION`.
### Fixed
- Versions of dependencies.
- PHPUnit assert calls from public to static.
- Error page (Only admin access to error page now).
- Build log for non-unicode characters. Issue [#145]( Thanks to
[@SimonHeimberg]( Pull request
[#146](, [#149](
- PhpUnitJson fail on empty trace and unfinished tests. Thanks to [@SimonHeimberg](
Pull request [#147](
- PhpParallelLint Short tags Option. Thanks to [@Dave13h]( Pull request
- Exception handler for PHP7+.
## [0.20.0]( (2018-01-10)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- "New" label for build errors in "Errors" tab, filtration by "New" label and new errors count indicators on dashboard
and builds list. The feature partial based on [@dancryer]('s
[code in PHPCI](
- PHP 7.2 to TravisCI config.
- Committer email updating after cloning for Git builds (Like commit massage and commit hash before).
- New build source "Webhook (Pull request)" for builds.
- Application config options `github.status.commit` and `bitbucket.status.commit` for allow/deny to post build status
to Github/Bitbucket.
### Changed
- Allowed public build status for archived projects.
- Refactored and improved TechnicalDebt plugin. Issue [#82]( Thanks
to [@vinpel]( Pull request [#141](
- Improved file (See: [Keep a Changelog](
- Updated dependencies.
### Removed
- Useless Image class.
### Fixed
- PHP 7.2 unpack user from session. Issue [#136]( Thanks to
[@oln0ry]( Pull request [#137](
## [0.19.0]( (2017-11-18)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Paginator helper. Issue [#123](
- Paginator for build errors. Issue [#85](
- Filtration for errors by severity and plugin. Issue [#85](
- Links to errors from summary block (Information tab). Issue [#85](
- New dashboard widget with only failed projects (See
Thanks to [@ss-gxp]( Pull request [#131](
- Ability to call Git webhook by project name instead id. Thanks to [@ss-gxp]( Pull request
### Changed
- Dashboard on the index page, now dashboard more flexible and include separated widgets (See
Thanks to [@ss-gxp]( Pull request [#131](
### Fixed
- Error with build log. Issue [#130](
- Excessive build meta inserts in the DB.
- Bootstrap grid responsive classes for dashboard.
## [0.18.0]( (2017-10-22)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Mage v3 plugin for deployment. See
[documentation]( Thanks to
[@ss-gxp]( PullRequest [#118](
- The option to pass the short tags (-s) argument to PHP Parallel Lint so that files using PHP Short Tags can be
linted. Used [@Dave13h]( [code](
- Checkbox to build only the default branch specified in the project. Used
[@suwalski]( [code](
- Command to schedule tasks if not ran for a specified X days. Thanks to
[@Vincentv92]( PullRequest [#126](
- Column for Build `source` instead of 'Manual' word in `commit_id` and `commit_message`.
- Column `user_id` to `build` table (created by) + Renamed columns `created` -> `create_date`,
`started` -> `start_date` and `finished` -> `finish_date`.
- Columns `user_id` (created by) and `create_date` to `project_group` table.
- Columns `user_id` (created by) and `create_date` to `project` table.
### Changed
- Improved documentation for SystemD worker, Nginx virtual host.
- Improved GUI for Codeception plugin, PHPSpec plugin and charts.
- Updated dependencies.
### Removed
- File `console.bat` for Windows installation.
- Useless '/' from build status cache path.
- Useless `project_id` column from `build_meta` table, removed useless code from models.
### Fixed
- Environments - omit checkout exact commit. Thanks to [@ss-gxp]( PullRequest
- Non-unicode binary log output. Issue [#116](
- Queue's parameter `lifetime` in installation.
- Installation command. Thanks to [@lscortesc]( PullRequest
## [0.17.0]( (2017-09-03)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Ability to create comments on Bitbucket for commits and pull requests (Like on Github). Thanks to
[@StudioMaX]( PullRequest [#112](
- "Remember me" functionality on login page. Issue [#81](
- Daily rotate logger for console commands. Issue [#108](
- Param `priority_path` (For all plugins) for control paths priority when we search plugin binary.
Issue [#104](
- Regex pattern for branch specific config. Issue [#97](
- JUnit result parser for PHPUnit plugin (for PHPUnit >= 6.0). Thanks to
[@SimonHeimberg]( PullRequest [#102](,
- New PHP Censor logo.
### Changed
- Improved public status page UI (Added environment and duration, fixed table cell height).
- Improved Shell plugin documentation. Thanks to [@SimonHeimberg]( PullRequest
- Improved documentation. Thanks to [@SimonHeimberg]( PullRequest
[#110](, [#111](
- Improved Worker (Daemon) documentation about `nohug` and `systemd`. Thanks to
[@ketchoop]( PullRequest [#98](,
- Improved documentation about PHP Censor update.
- Updated dependencies.
### Fixed
- Build stages workflow. If `setup`, `test` or `deploy` stage failed then next stages (`setup`, `test` or
`deploy`) skip.
- Failures for notification plugins (Now notification failures doesn't fail all build). Thanks to
[@SimonHeimberg]( PullRequest [#113](
- Error with `allowed_errors` / `allowed_warnings` in PhpCodeSniffer plugin. Thanks to
[@SimonHeimberg]( PullRequest [#101](
## [0.16.0]( (2017-07-16)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Config option `` for configuring `BuildErrorWriter->buffer_size`
property (Count of inserts in the one SQL query). Default value: 500. Thanks to
[@LEXASOFT]( for the idea.
- Params 'email' and 'message' for `php-censor:create-build` console command. Thanks to
PullRequest [#92](
### Changed
- Improved build log build directory appearence ('/' -> './'). Thanks to
[@SimonHeimberg]( PullRequest [#93](
- Improved documentation. Thanks to [@SimonHeimberg]( PullRequest
[#83](, [#84](,
[#96]( Issue [#2](
- Improved email address format for notifications (Field 'from').
- Updated dependencies. Issue [#79](
### Removed
- HttpClient class and changed it to Guzzle library.
### Fixed
- Project create/edit form fields order.
- Debug mode for 'Build now' button.
- `FileLink` for builds (Link to branch -> link to commit). Thanks to
[@SimonHeimberg]( PullRequest [#90](
- Error in `sendStatusPostback` in the build.
- Column `build_meta.meta_value` type (`TEXT` -> `LONGTEXT`) for MySQL. Issue
## [0.15.0]( (2017-06-10)
[Full Changelog](
### Changed
- Improved logging configuration (Now logging autostart without special config `loggerconfig.php`). Issue
- Improved build-status/view page (Added build links, icons, date etc.). Issue
- Improved default branch for SVN (Added ability to set branch full name like `branches/branch-1` or
`/branch/branch-2`). Issue [#67](
### Removed
- PollCommand console command.
- Application config option`using_custom_file` (`app/config.yml`).
### Fixed
- Worker fail with eternal log writing. Issue [#68](
- Bulk error writing error (`SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 7 number of parameters must be between 0 and
65535`). Issue [#66](
- PDO PostgreSQL connection without installed `pdo_mysql` extension. Issue
- Directory `/app` in Git repository. Issue [#73](
- Branches for SVN build. Issue [#65](
- PhpCsFixer plugin `directory` option. Issue [#75](
- Webhook for GitHub pull requests from private repositories. Thanks to
[@StudioMaX]( PullRequest [#76](,
## [0.14.0]( (2017-05-15)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Text wrap for build log.
### Changed
- Improved webhook for GitHub: builds only one head commit per push.
- Improved webhook for GitHub: added tag build and UI information about tag.
- Improved error page.
- Improved UI and code style.
### Fixed
- Build branch in dashboard timeline. Thanks to [@JoolsMcFly]( PullRequest
- Project clone to working directory in Alpine Linux 3.5. Issue
- Environment field in build table.
- `Database::lastInsertId` call for PostgreSQL.
- SensioLabs Security Checker warning: squizlabs/php_codesniffer (2.7.1) - Arbitrary shell execution (Updated
- Pagination for environments in project/view page and ajax builds update.
- Builds for branches with special chars (like '#, /' etc.).
- Plugin PhpCsFixer. Issue [#63](
## [0.13.0]( (2017-04-10)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Environments. Thanks to [@ss-gxp]( PullRequest
[#41](, [#47](,
[#52]( For details see
- Write cache for build log (It's increase build speed). Thanks to [@ss-gxp](
PullRequest [#45](, [#48](
- Write cache for build errors (It's increase build speed). Thanks to [@ss-gxp](
Issue [#49]( PullRequest
- SensioLabs Security Checker Plugin (This plugin is "zero-config" and used in builds without config).
Issue [#27]( Config example:
allowed_warnings: -1
- Allowed fail status for plugins (See build summary in the build page).
- `suggest` section to `composer.json`. Issue [#53](
### Changed
- Improved plugins code.
- Improved UI.
### Fixed
- Build execution with many workers. Thanks to [@ss-gxp]( PullRequest
- Build view (Added html encoding for build errors output). Thanks to [@ss-gxp](
PullRequest [#54](
- Exception when plugin runs without options (Like "php_parallel_lint: "). Issue
- TechnicalDebt Plugin configuration parameters. Thanks to [@bochkovprivate](
PullRequest [#55](
- PHPCpd plugin documentation. Thanks to [@bochkovprivate]( PullRequest
## [0.12.0]( (2017-03-25)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Stage 'deploy' for build. Thanks to [@ss-gxp]( PullRequest
[#34]( Build config example:
webhook_url: "http://deployer.local/deploy/xxxxx"
reason: "PHP Censor Build #%BUILD% - %COMMIT_MESSAGE%"
update_only: true
- Magallanes (Mage) deployment plugin. Thanks to [@ss-gxp]( PullRequest
[#36](, [#40](
Build config example:
env: production
bin: /usr/local/bin/mage
- Build duration on Dashboard Timeline. Thanks to [@JoolsMcFly]( PullRequest
- Support for Mercurial (Hg) based repos in Bitbucket (BitbucketHgBuild). Used
[@bochkovprivate]( code.
### Changed
- Code style fixes, fixes for tests, improvements for documentation
- Improved PhpCodeSniffer plugin. Thanks to [@ValerioOnGithub]( PullRequest
[#31](, [#35](,
- Improved French localization. Thanks to [@JoolsMcFly]( PullRequest
### Removed
- Useless daterangepicker and datepicker. Issue [#37](
### Fixed
- Parameter 'CommitterEmail' in bitbucket webhook. Used [@bochkovprivate]( code.
- Parameter 'branch' in Mercurial (Hg) build. Used [@bochkovprivate]( code.
- Language select on user/edit page.
- Localization for 'project_group' string. Thanks to [@JoolsMcFly]( PullRequest
- PHPUnit plugin behavior for case without tests.
## [0.11.0]( (2017-03-12)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Duration column to the project page.
### Changed
- Code style fixes.
- Improved README, Docs and CHANGELOG.
### Fixed
- `build.log` column size for MySQL (removed "NOT NULL").
- PhpCpd ignore option. Used [@ZinitSolutionsGmbH]( code.
- Shell plugin execution. Issue [#30](
- Pagination position in the project view (UI).
- Branch link in the timeline (UI).
## [0.10.0]( (2017-02-24)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- 'Build with debug' button to the project page (For admin user). Issue
### Changed
- Improved Gogs support. Thanks to [@vinpel]( PullRequest
- Improved TravisCI build settings (Added DB tests for PostgreSQL and MySQL).
- Improved README.
### Fixed
- Quoting for database entities.
- Project config reload for worker between builds. Issue [#17](
- Problem with runtime/status_cache directory. Issue [#19](
- Add/edit project page. Issue [#21](
- Form name pattern. Thanks to [@ket4yii]( PullRequest
- `build.log` column size for MySQL (text -> longtext). Issue [#26](
- `build_error.message` column size (varchar(255) -> text).
- Profile language saving. Issue [#11](
- Builds for branches which start with a hash character. Used [@soulflyman]( code.
## [0.9.0]( (2017-02-11)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Yaml highlight for build config in project page.
### Changed
- Improved Gogs support. Thanks to [@vinpel]( PullRequest
- Improved dashboard UI.
### Fixed
- Multiple install command execution (Now admin and project group don't duplicate).
## [0.8.0]( (2017-02-09)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Parameter `config-from-file` for installing application with prepared config:
cd ./php-censor.local
# Non-interactive installation with prepared config.yml file
./bin/console php-censor:install --config-from-file=yes --admin-name=admin --admin-password=admin --admin-email='admin@php-censor.local'
- Parameters for non-interactive admin creating:
cd ./php-censor.local
# Non-interactive admin creating
./bin/console php-censor:create-admin --admin-name=admin --admin-password=admin --admin-email='admin@php-censor.local'
- Caching for public build status badge. Issue [#15](
- Build from Gogs (build type and webhook). The feature is based on [@denji]('s code.
Issue [#13](
### Changed
- Refactored console/commands. Removed localization from logs.
- Improved README and Documentation.
- Improved Codeception plugin. Thanks to [@vinpel]( PullRequest
- Updated French translation. Thanks to [@vinpel]( PullRequest
### Removed
- Hacks for Windows (IS_WIN constant). Because it doesn't work on Windows normally anyway.
### Fixed
- Init language. Issue [#9](
## [0.7.0]( (2017-01-29)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- PostgreSQL support as application DB. Changed DB configuration. The old way to configure DB:
read: 'localhost:3306'
write: 'localhost:3306'
name: php-censor-db
username: php-censor-user
password: php-censor-password
And a new way:
- host: localhost
port: 3306
- host: localhost
port: 3306
type: mysql
name: php-censor-db
username: php-censor-user
password: php-censor-password
Type of DB (`type`) should be `mysql` or `pgsql`.
### Changed
- Application closed for search robots.
- Renamed application configuration (`app/config.yml`) section for work with queue. The old way to configure queue:
host: localhost
queue: php-censor-queue
job_timeout: 600
And a new way:
host: localhost
name: php-censor-queue
lifetime: 600
- Improved and added file.
## [0.6.0]( (2017-01-22)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Added pluggable authentication and LDAP authentication provider:
type: internal
type: ldap
host: 'ldap.php-censor.local'
port: 389
base_dn: 'dc=php-censor,dc=local'
mail_attribute: mail
If you enter by new LDAP-user, the record in the DB will be created automatically. The basement of the feature is
[@Adirelle]( and [@dzolotov]( code.
### Changed
- Unified application configuration (`app/config.yml`) authentication options.
The old way to disable authentication:
state: true
user_id: 1
And a new way:
disable_auth: true
default_user_id: 1
## [0.5.0]( (2017-01-21)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Option to the application configuration (`app/config.yml`) to allow/deny removing the build directory after
build (``):
remove_builds: true
- Options to the application configuration (`app/config.yml`) to allow/deny sending errors in the commits/pull
requests as comments on Github (`php-censor.github.comments.commit` and `php-censor.github.comments.pull_request`):
token: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
commit: false
pull_request: false
### Changed
- Improved plugin Codeception
### Removed
- Agent/worker Daemon mode (You should use Worker mode instead).
- `pluginconfig` configuration file (You should use plugin full name including the namespace):
allow_failures: true
### Fixed
- Fixed projects archive (Archived projects can not be built and projects moved to the archive section).
## [0.4.0]( (2017-01-15)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Ajax update for the main page (Dashboard).
- Public status information to the project page.
### Fixed
- UI and localizations.
- Delete confirmation for all items.
## [0.3.0]( (2017-01-11)
[Full Changelog](
### Changed
- Improved UI.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated PHPUnit from 4.8 to 5.7.
- Improved build without config.
## [0.2.0]( (2017-01-07)
[Full Changelog](
### Added
- Login by name (name or email).
### Changed
- Improved PHPUnit plugin.
- Improved UI.
### Fixed
- Fixed public build status page.
## [0.1.0]( (2017-01-04)
Initial release. Changes from [PHPCI]( v1.7.1:
### Added
- More debug info into the build log.
- Item per page parameter for build list.
### Changed
- Moved CSS/JS dependencies from sources to Composer dependencies ([](
- Redesigned project structure.
- Upped PHP minimal version from 5.3 to 5.6.
### Fixed
- Tests and other small fixes.
## 0.0.0 (2016-06-23)
Project started.