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The Commands

The PropelBundle provides a lot of commands to manage migrations, database/table manipulations, and so on.

Database Manipulations

You can create a database:

> php app/console propel:database:create [--connection[=""]]

As usual, --connection allows to specify a connection.

You can drop a database:

> php app/console propel:database:drop [--connection[=""]] [--force]

As usual, --connection allows to specify a connection.

Note that the --force option is needed to actually execute the SQL statements.

Form Types

You can generate stub classes based on your schema.xml in a given bundle:

> php app/console propel:form:generate [-f|--force] bundle [models1] ... [modelsN]

It will write Form Type classes in src/YourVendor/YourBundle/Form/Type.

You can choose which Form Type to build by specifing Model names:

> php app/console propel:form:generate @AcmeDemoBundle Book Author


You can generate Graphviz file for your project by using the following command line:

> php app/console propel:graphviz:generate

It will write files in app/propel/graph/.


Generates SQL diff between the XML schemas and the current database structure:

> php app/console propel:migration:generate-diff [--connection[=""]]

As usual, --connection allows to specify a connection.

Executes the migrations:

> php app/console propel:migration:migrate

Executes the next migration up:

> php app/console propel:migration:migrate --up

Executes the previous migration down:

> php app/console propel:migration:migrate --down

Lists the migrations yet to be executed:

> php app/console propel:migration:status

Table Manipulations

You can drop one or several tables:

> php app/console propel:table:drop [--force] [--connection[="..."]] [table1] ... [tableN]

As usual, --connection allows to specify a connection.

The table arguments define which table will be delete, by default all table.

Note that the --force option is needed to actually execute the deletion.

Working with existing databases

Run the following command to generate an XML schema from your default database:

> php app/console propel:reverse

You can define which connection to use:

> php app/console propel:reverse --connection=default

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