2020-04-20 14:07:59 +02:00

53 lines
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🤙 Nextcloud app / Side menu 🎨
This application moves the top menu of Nextcloud to the left side.
Comptatible with AppOrder.
Side menu is availabe from the app store.
If you want to install it from source: go to and download the last release (
Copy the archive to your Nextcloud server.
$ cd /path/to/nextcloud/apps
$ unzip -d side_menu /path/to/
Side menu can be upgraded from the app store.
If you want to install it from source: go to and download the last release (
Copy the archive to your Nextcloud server.
$ cd /path/to/nextcloud/apps
$ rm -frv side_menu
$ unzip -d side_menu /path/to/
How to contribute?
Fork the repository, go to `apps/`, clone your repository and run `npm install` inside.
Build javascripts using `webpack --config ./webpack.js` (add `-w` to build them in real time).
Then commit and create a pull request.