2019-09-23 10:23:10 +05:30

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# Tiny File Manager
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> It is web based file manager and it is a simple, fast and small file manager with a single file, multi-language ready web application for storing, editing and managing files and folders online via web browser. The Application runs on PHP 5.5+, a build-in support for managing text files with cloud9 IDE and it supports syntax highlighting for over 150+ languages and over 35+ themes. .
## Demo
Login Details : admin/admin@123 | user/12345
## Documents
[TinyFileManager.github.io](https://tinyfilemanager.github.io/) | [Password Generater](https://tinyfilemanager.github.io/docs/pwd.html)
[![Tiny File Manager](screenshot.gif)](screenshot.gif)
## Requirements
- PHP 5.5.0 or higher.
- Fileinfo, iconv, zip, tar and mbstring extensions are strongly recommended.
## How to use
Download ZIP with latest version from master branch.
Just copy the tinyfilemanager.php to your webspace - thats all :)
You can also change the file name from "tinyfilemanager.php" to something else, you know what i meant for.
Default username/password: **admin/admin@123** and **user/12345**.
Warning: Please set your own username and password in `$auth_users` before use. password is encrypted with <code>password_hash()</code>. to generate new password hash [here](https://tinyfilemanager.github.io/docs/pwd.html)
To enable/disable authentication set `$use_auth` to true or false.
### Supported constants:
- `FM_ROOT_PATH` - default is `$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']`
- `FM_ROOT_URL` - default is `'http(s)://site.domain/'`
- `FM_SELF_URL` - default is `'http(s)://site.domain/' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']`
- `FM_ICONV_INPUT_ENC` - default is `'CP1251'`
- `FM_USE_HIGHLIGHTJS` - default is `true`
- `FM_HIGHLIGHTJS_STYLE` - default is `'vs'`
- `FM_DATETIME_FORMAT` - default is `'d.m.y H:i'`
- `FM_EXTENSION` - default is `""` //upload files extensions
### :loudspeaker: Features
- :cd: Open Source, light and extremely simple
- :iphone: Mobile friendly view for touch devices
- :information_source: Basic features likes Create, Delete, Modify, View, Quick View, Download, Copy and Move files
- :arrow_double_up: Ajax Upload, Ability to drag & drop, upload from URL, multiple files upload and file extensions filter
- :file_folder: Ability to create folders and files
- :gift: Ability to compress, extract files (`zip`, `tar`)
- :sunglasses: Support user permissions - based on session and each user root folder mapping
- :floppy_disk: Copy direct file URL
- :pencil2: Cloud9 IDE - Syntax highlighting for over `150+` languages, Over `35+` themes with your favorite programming style
- :page_facing_up: Google/Microsoft doc viewer helps you preview `PDF/DOC/XLS/PPT/etc`. 25 MB can be previewed with the Google Drive viewer
- :zap: Backup files and IP white and blacklisting
- :mag_right: Search - Search and Sorting using `datatable js`
- :file_folder: Exclude folders from listing
- :globe_with_meridians: Multi-language support (English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Thailand, Chinese and more..) for translations `translation.json` is file required
- :bangbang: lots more...
### <a name=license></a>License, Credit
- Available under the [GNU license](https://github.com/prasathmani/tinyfilemanager/blob/master/LICENSE)
- Original concept and development by github.com/alexantr/filemanager
- CDN Used - _jQuery, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Highlight js, ace js, DropZone js, ekko-lightbox js, and DataTable js_
- To report a bug or request a feature, please file an [issue](https://github.com/prasathmani/tinyfilemanager/issues)