Simon Vieille 385af624a6
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ci/woodpecker/push/woodpecker Pipeline was successful
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2023-02-09 21:50:06 +01:00

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# Page
A page is a doctrine entity that contains blocks and form builder.
You can run `php bin/console make:page` and generate a new page in an interactive way.
```php-inline title="src/Entity/Page/YourPage.php"
namespace App\Entity\Page;
use App\Core\Entity\Site\Page\Block;
use App\Core\Entity\Site\Page\Page;
use App\Core\Form\Site\Page\TextBlockType;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
class YourPage extends Page
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
'label' => 'My block',
'options' => [
// options given to the sub form
// ...
public function setMyBlock(Block $block)
return $this->setBlock($block);
public function getMyBlock(): Block
return $this->getBlock('myBlock');
// ...
Then edit `config/packages/app.yaml` and add your page:
name: 'Simple page'
- {name: "Default", file: "page/simple/default.html.twig"}
name: 'Your page'
- {name: "Template 1", file: "page/your_page/template1.html.twig"}
- {name: "Template 2", file: "page/your_page/template2.html.twig"}
## Blocks
### TextBlockType
`App\Core\Form\Site\Page\TextBlockType` will render a symfony `TextType`.
### TextareaBlockType
`App\Core\Form\Site\Page\TextareaBlockType` will render a symfony `TextareaType`.
### ChoiceBlockType
`App\Core\Form\Site\Page\ChoiceBlockType` will render a symfony `ChoiceType`.
### FileBlockType
`App\Core\Form\Site\Page\FileBlockType` will render a symfony `FileType` with a download link.
In the getter, you must specify the block:
use App\Core\Entity\Site\Page\FileBlock;
public function getMyBlock(): Block
return $this->getBlock('myBlock', FileBlock::class);
### FilePickerBlockType
`App\Core\Form\Site\Page\FilePickerBlockType` will render a specific widget that use the file manager.
### EditorJsTextareaBlockType
`App\Core\Form\Site\Page\EditorJsTextareaBlockType` will render a [EditorJs widget](/utils/editors/editorjs/).
### GrapesJsBlockType
`App\Core\Form\Site\Page\GrapesJsBlockType` will render a [GrapesJS editor](/utils/editors/grapesjs/).
### TinymceTextareaBlockType
`App\Core\Form\Site\Page\TinymceTextareaBlockType` will render a [Tinymce editor](/utils/editors/tinymce/).
### ImageBlockType
`App\Core\Form\Site\Page\ImageBlockType` will render a symfony `FileType` with a preview of the image.
In the getter, you must specify the block:
use App\Core\Entity\Site\Page\FileBlock;
public function getMyBlock(): Block
return $this->getBlock('myBlock', FileBlock::class);
### CollectionBlockType
`App\Core\Form\Site\Page\CollectionBlockType` will a render a symfony `CollectionType ` with availabity to add and remove elements.
use App\Core\Entity\Site\Page\CollectionBlock;
public function getMyBlock(): Block
return $this->getBlock('myBlock', CollectionBlock::class);
## Event
When a page is being edited, the options can be set as follows:
```php-inline title="src/EventSubscriber/PageEventSubscriber.php"
namespace App\EventSubscriber;
use App\Core\Event\Page\PageEditEvent;
use App\Entity\Page\YourPage;
class PageEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
PageEditEvent::FORM_INIT_EVENT => ['onFormInit'],
public function onFormInit(PageEditEvent $event)
if ($event->getPage() instanceof YourPage) {
// options