2022-02-19 15:57:12 +01:00

38 lines
648 B

## [Unreleased]
### Added
* add support of regexp with substitution in redirect
* url tags can be used as redirect location
* add builders to replace file information tags and url tags
### Fixed
* fix filemanager sorting
* fix batch action setter
### Changed
## 1.2.0
### Added
* add sort in file manager
* add redirect manager
### Changed
* replace node-sass with sass
## 1.1.0
### Added
* add directory upload in file manager
### Fixed
* fix admin node routing
### Changed
* symfony/swiftmailer-bundle is replaced by symfony/mailer
## 1.0.1
### Fixed
* fix Makefile environment vars (renaming)
* fix composer minimum stability
## 1.0.0