
This commit is contained in:
Simon Vieille 2017-02-07 00:08:38 +01:00
parent e96db18d29
commit 04ff9640ac

View file

@ -5,22 +5,60 @@ Made for php developments.
## Installation
First, move to your home directory: `cd $HOME`
### Dependencies
$ PACKAGE_MANAGER=apt # Depending of your system…
$ sudo $PACKAGE_MANAGER install \
vim \
vim-athena \
vim-common \
vim-gtk \
vim-gui-common \
vim-nox \
vim-runtime \
vim-scripts \
vim-tiny \
wget \
git \
$ wget
$ chmod +x php-cs-fixer.phar
Notify me if I forgot something :)
**Do backups if needed:**
$ sudo apt install vim vim vim-addon-manager vim-athena vim-common vim-fugitive vim-gtk vim-gui-common vim-nox vim-runtime vim-scripts vim-tiny
$ cd $HOME
$ [ -f .vimrc ] && mv .vimrc .vimrc-back
$ [ -d .vim ] && mv .vim .vim-back
### Cloning the configuration
$ git clone deblan-vim
$ ln -rs deblan-vim/vimrc .vimrc
$ ln -rs deblan-vim/vim .vim
### Plugins
$ git clone .vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
$ vim +PluginInstall +qall
You will need to edit `.vimrc`:
### Hack the conf!
* `let g:snips_author = "Your username"`
* `let g:snips_email = "Your email"`
* `let g:snips_github = "Your website"`
* `set guifont=Fantasque\ Sans\ Mono\ 14`
GVim are configured to use `Fantasque Sans Mono`:
If you want to use another one, edit `set guifont=Fantasque\ Sans\ Mono\ 14`.
`F1` is mapped to run a script named `indentation`. It's a personal and ugly script that indents the html, css and javascript. If you want to use it, you must install `node` and run `sudo cp .vim/bin/* /usr/local/bin/`.